Forfatteren, digteren og kunstneren Claus Ankersen er en af hovedkræfterne i dansk og international spoken word og ordkunst. Han har uddrevet dæmoner i DR, smidt med smør på SMK, stillet op til kommunalvalg med kunstnerpartiet Gratis Lykke og modtaget juryens pris Hegnspælen for digtinstallationen ALTID på Enghave Plads. Ankersen skriver tosprogligt og har performet, udstillet og optrådt i 22 lande. Udvalgt materiale er oversat til 16 sprog. Han har udgivet femten bøger.
Siden 2017 har han skrevet fast for netmediet POV International, hvor han også er områderedaktør.
Ankersen er udgivelsesaktuel med travelogue-rejsedigtsamlingen River of Man (Red River, Delhi), som netop er udkommet i Indien i juni 2020.
I 2019 udkom forfatteren med tre bøger og en litterær oversættelse, hvoraf den seneste udgivelse var det esoteriske, samfundskritiske langdigt, Det syngende hjertes triumf (Emeritus, 2019) som blev sammenlignet med Nostradamus Samlede Profetier.
Claus Ankersen (b. 1967 in Denmark) is originally trained as a cultural anthropologist at University of Copenhagen and USCB. He writes poetry, prose and non-fiction, translates, does literary activism and work with cross-disciplinary hybrids with the word as a constant element. He is the author of fifteen books and works internationally, having performed and worked with his literature in more than twenty countries all over the world. Selected material have seen translation into Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Romanian, German, Udmurt, Bulgarian, English, Uzbek, Spanish and Macedonian. His latest book, River of Man – Indian Poems (Red River, 2020) is a collection of travel poems and is just published in India.
Selected Works
Publications and Projects
- 2020 River of Man. Indian Poems. Red River. Delhi.
- 2019 Det syngende hjertes triumf. Langdigt. Emeritus. Danmark
- 2019 Pink Pong. Digte. Tresproget. Editura frACTalia. Rumænien
- 2019 In defence of the cherries. Digte. Tosproget. Brumar. Rumænien.
- 2019 Tigerens Sang/Cantecul Tigrului. Digte. Editura frACTalia. Rumænien.
- 2018 Pendæmonium. Picaresque novel. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag
- 2018 Grab Your Heart And Follow Me. Paperwall/Poetrywala. India
- 2017 Soulmates. Lovepoems. Copenhagen Storytellers.
- 2016 A Sudden Convergence. Poems. Krok Books. Ukraine.
- 2016 Brandtale. Digte. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag.
- 2014 Kong Ho & Ko. Nye danske limericks. Shooting Press Gallery.
- 2013 Souvenirs from Heaven, w. photographer P. Ringsing. Live Nation Danmark
- 2010 Træet og springvandet. A streetpoetry. Wow/FDSF
- 2005 Årets Alfabetik, 52 Modern Convenience Poems. FDSF
- 2003 Hil Amdi – Spoken Words, Bændelormen
Literary translation
- 2019 Af Krop. Yury Zavadsky. Engelsk til dansk. Det Poetiske Bureau
- 2019 Pink Pong. Andre Zbirneas bidrag. Engelsk til dansk. Editura frACTalia. Rumænien
Magasines & Anthologies
- 2020 Poems in Antología mundial de escritores en cuarentena. Atea Editorial. Honduras
- 2019 Poems. Excerpt from Cantecul Tigrului. – may issue. Romania
- 2019 Poems. Revista-apostrof litmag, anul XXXm 2019, nr. 4 (347), Romania
- 2019 Poems. Is It The Sea You Hear In Me? Poetry anthology. Dhauli Books. India
- 2018 Poems. Akadeemia # 1, 2018. Tartu. Estonia
- 2017 Poems. Insert Yourself Here. Anthology of contemporary poetry. Paragon Journal Press
- 2017 Poems. All the Worlds between. International Anthology. Yoda Press. India
- 2017 Poems. Resurrection of a sunflower. Van Gogh. Pski’s Porch Publishing. New York
- 2017 Poem. International Dada Lit Mag. Maintenant #11. Three Rooms Press. New York
- 2017 Poem. Almanah Clepto-hydra. Danube anthology. Dunarea de jos. Romania
- 2017 Poem. Revista Dunarea de Jos # 181, March. Galati. Romania.
- 2016 Poem on Reykjavik. Capitals – A Poetry Anthology. Bloomsbury. India
- 2016 Essay. A note on the new. Beyond the borders. Anthology. Lviv Book Fair.
- 2016 Oblivia. Poem in Seeing Wetiko. Book #2.
- 2016 Poem. ‘Storvask’. Cph Street Poetry. P-Automat digt. Langebro. København
- 2016 Five poems. Crazy Tartu 2013-15 Anthology. Tartu. Estonia (medio 2016)
- 2015. Poem. Den fattiges sidste drøm. Samtida litteratur och konst # 31. Sweden.
- 2015. Short story. Conversations with a goblin. Little Finger Magazine #10. Sweden.
- 2015 Three poems. Intercity Flow International Anthology. Ek Zuban. England
- 2015 Poem. My wife and I. Litbulb international online writing festival.
- 2015 Poem. Storvask. ‘Poetisk’. Politiken. Denmark
- 2015 Poem. Monad of Aprilia. # The sideshow. Five2one Magazine.
- 2015 Interview. Pravalia Culturala. Romania
- 2014 Four poems. Pravalia Culturala # 53, December 2014. Romania
- 2014 Poem. I Let Go of the Stars in My Hand. Anthology. GWFM Press. New York
- 2014 Poem. Maintenant # 8, Three Rooms Press, New York
- 2014 Poem in ‘Poetisk’. Politiken. Denmark
- 2013 7 Poems, Poetry with Prakriti Anthology. Prakriti Foundation, Chennai
- 2013 Poem in Lviv International Bookfair Anthology. Ukraine (fall)
- 2013 5 Poems in translation. Focus Poet. Pratilipi. A bilingual literary journal. India.
- 2012 Short Story. Booktraders Julehæfte. Booktrader. Copenhagen
- 2012 Poem. Anthology. Great Weather for Media Press, New York
- 2012 Poem. Tidsskriften Ordkonst # 23, ‘BAROCK’, Malmö. Sweden
- 2012 Poem in 3 translations. International Poetry anthology. Ukraine
- 2012 Poem, Maintenant # 6, Three Rooms Press, New York
- 2012 Short Story, Have a NYC: Tall Tales from the City. Three Rooms Press. New York
- 2011 Short story, Booktraders Julehæfte 2011. Booktrader. København
- 2011 Poem and interview, The Journal – Indian Poetry Society.
- 2011 Interview and Poems. Feature Poet. Bluslate # 2. Pune. India.
- 2011 Poem. Maintenant # 5. Three Rooms Press. New York
- 2011 Tribute Poem and Essay. Literary Review. The Hindu. India.
- 2011 Three Poems. Bluslate Magazine # 1, Literary Magazine. Pune. India.
- 2011 Two poems. Consume Magasin # 3, Copenhagen.
- 2010 Poems. Other People. The Sangam House Reader, Vol. 1. Sangam House
- 2010 Poem. Ode til Kastanien, Byens Forlag
- 2010 Poems. Fragmenter, Det Poetiske Bureaus antologi 2010, DPB Forlag
- 2010 Poem and interview, ‘Hell strung and crooked’, Uphook Press, New York
- 2010 Two Poems and Visual Art, ‘Maintenant 4’, Three Rooms Press, New York
- 2010 Four Poems. M gasin # XXXII. 10. årgang. Marts 2010. Poetklub Århus
- 2009 Danish Limericks. Apparatur # 19. Literary Magazine
- 2009 Poems. Titler. Antologi. Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag
- 2009 Short story. Hun var følelsesløs fra fødderne og nedefter, FADL
- 2008 Short story. Outsider Magazine
- 2008 Essay. Bitchslap Magazine
- 2007 Short fiction. ‘Old Tiger in New Stripes’. Ankersen Vs Borges.
- Sentura # 23 Magazine for literature & Film
- 2006 Poem. ’21’.Sentura # 22 Magazine for literature & Film
- 2006 Poem. Mgasin, # 24. Literature Magasine. Poetry Club Århus
- 2005 Poetry. Booktraders Christmas Booklet. Booktrader
- 2005 Poem. Companion to the Worlds Condition. Danish Writers Academy.
- 2005 Essay. The FictionWriters # 2. Danish Fiction Writers Association.
- 2004 Poem. Booktraders Christmas Booklet. Booktrader
- 2019 Journalist, reporter, critic, editor for citizenship. POV International
- 2018 Columnist. POV International. Travel writing, reviews, interviews with poets.
- 2017 Columnist, In-house writer. POV International.
- 2014 Columnist. The Murmur. English language monthly based in Copenhagen.
- 2011 Tribute Poem and Essay. Literary Review. The Hindu. India.
- 2006 Columnist. DATO. National Free Newspaper.
- 2004 Poetry. 53 poems published during the year in Information, Newspaper
Poetics, Literary gatherings, academic conferences etc.
- 2019 DANfEST Network meetings on starting binational danish-estonian writer-network
- 2017 Poetic Stylings. Copenhagen Climate Solutions Conference
- 2017 Navigate this! Performance-speech TEDxCopenhagen
- 2017 Arghesi Revisited. Translation seminar. Bucharest.
- 2016 Inspirational speech. The citizen, the public and the fight for tomorrow.
- Academics Club. Health- & Care division. City of Copenhagen
- 2016 Presentation. International action poetry. Army of Poets. Littera Baltica. Turku.
- 2016 Visiting Fellow. Performance-lecture.Walk the talk – Between the lines. CMI Chennai
- 2016 Panelist. Art inspire art. On hybrid practises. Kala Ghoda Arts Festival. Mumbai.
- 2015 Presenter and section Chair. Conference on Art in public space. Danish Arts Council.
- 2015 Artist of the week, Byens Hegn, from september 15th
- 2015 Guest lecturer. Performance lecture on Impact. Institute of Anthropology Ph.D. retreat.
- 2015 Compere. Main stage presenter. Istedgade inauguration. City of Copenhagen.
- 2015 External Lecturer, Intercity Flow project.Teesside University. England
- 2014 Jury member. The Fencepole award 2014. Copenhagen
- 2014 Translations, networking and performance. Littera Baltica. Finland
- 2014 Judge. Newspaper Politiken literary contest. Danish limericks
- 2014 Panelist and performer. Launch of Intentional Art. Dome of Visions. Copenhagen
- 2013 Panelist and performer. Art and political activism. Velvet Stage. Roskilde Festival
- 2013 Vice member of the board. Poetryweek. Finland
- 2012 Plenary speaker, performer, Helsinki Poetics Conference ‘Monster’, Helsinki
- 2012 Visiting Professor, Department of English, University of Madras
- 2012 Plenary speaker, Seminar in Cultural Studies– A literary/linguistic approach, Quaid-E Millat Govt. College, Chennai.
- 2011 Judge, Literary contest, II Vesterbro Lokalstival
- 2011 Performer and panelist, Uni Iceland Seminar on Nordic Modernism, Reykjavik
- 2011 Visiting Professor, English Literature Department, Madras University
- 2011 Workshop on performance poetry, Center for Media Studies, Thrissur, Kerala
- 2011 Chair. Performance and presence. 6th international CPRACSIS conference, IIT Madras, 2010 Lecturer. WALTIC, Writers and Literary Translators International Congress, Istanbul
Live appearance
Performance Poetry
- 2001-19 Claus Ankersen have performed extensively stand-up or sit-down spokenword poetry for all kinds of audiences.
- 2006 ‘Claus Ankersen’, Booktrader Lyric CD # 22, Booktrader
- 2005 2 pieces. Spoken Word from Copenhagen & Surburbs. PoetrySlam CPH
- 2003 2 monologues. EXCERPTS. Panoptikon/BSBTA Talkathon Series, Vol.2.
- 2002 2 pieces of spokenword. Poets on Trip, Crazy Bus Tour 2002
- 2001 Line. Just Kiss Today. Pop.Songwriter/Lyricist.Line. Sony/Harley Records
- 2019 On action-art and intervention. Plakatmafiaen – Kampen om bymuren. DR P1
- 2018 On poetry and spirituality. Tidsånd, DR P1
- 2015 On systemic change. Talk and reading. ‘Inflammatory speech’. ADF. Radio24syv.
- 2014 On limericks. Interview and reading. AK24syv. Radio24syv/Radio24seven
- 2010 Spoken Word. Interview and recital. Sproglaboratoriet. DR P1
- 2008 Rap for Natasja, Poem. Live first performance, DR P3
- 2007 From Meatball City to the Big Apple. Feature. DR P2plus
- 2004 6 poetic rules. Danish, Danisher, Danisht. Ultrasound. DR P1
- 2004 In the Future, Suite. Future is not what it was. Ultrasound. DR P1
- 2004 Live From Thiemers Magasin. Alfabet. DR P1
- 2003 The People’s Minute. 30 min’s of literary satire. Ultrasound. DR P1
- 2003 5 monologues. Words on Wheels summershopping. Ultrasound. DR P1
- 2011. Four Poems and Audioscapes. Bluslate Magazine # 1, Pune. India
- 2006 Power Pod Poetry – 12 spokenword pieces.
- 2008-6 Selected spoken words. Approximately 35.000 plays (jan 11)
- 2016 Lige et øjeblik/Just a moment. Brief satiric monologues. DkDox TV on youtube.
- 2015 ‘Window bride’. Black and white photo. Angst Magazine. Inaugural issue, Berlin
- 2009 Peanuts & Free Beer. Documentary on Danish Stage Art Literature.
- Akashic Film DK. Peanuts and Free Beer have been screened at Mandagsdokumentar,
- Odense International Film Festival, Charlottenborg, CPHLITT, Ord over Svendborg as well as at festivals in Turkey, Finland and Serbia.
- 2014 Toxic Tuesday. Gershwin Hotel, NYC. Gallery Soma, Berlin.
- 2012 222Lodge, The Inevitable – International Performance Fest, Netherlands
- 2009 The things we do, Gallery 20:12. Kødboderne 18
- 2008 Voice of Denmark. 4 pieces in 3 loops. Karsi Sanat Gallery. Istanbul
- 2008 5 works. Krogerup Folk High School
- 2008 ’21 is 3′ First Screening. The Triangle Project.Trinitatis Church
- 2008-7. Publication of selected works. Youtube.
- 2008-6 Publication of selected works. Myspace.
- 2007 The anatomy of Rejection. Charlottenborg uden filter, Prøvehallen.
- 2009 Poetry Performance. Tehran Biennial, Belgrade, April.
- 2008 Poster Art. Tehran Biennial, Berlin.
Museal Exhibition of works
- 2003 Agnus Dei II. The City and The Southern Border Literary-Photographic installation 1000m2, with KBC. Artmuseum of Southern Jutland. Tønder
- 2002 Agnus Dei I. Literary photographic installation paraphrasing cityspace, and constructed social tableau’s. 1000 m2’s. Øksnehallen, Copenhagen
- 2017 NUTID / PRESENT TIME. Wordinstallation. Fra Gade til By. Odense. Denmark
- 2015 ALTID /ALWAYS. Reinstallation. Enghave Plads. Copenhagen
- 2013 ALTID / ALWAYS. Fencepole award winner 2013 Poetry installation as stele of letters. 300×2000. Enghave Square, Copenhagen. Installed april 19th.
- 2010 Videoinstallation, ArtXposium, Chicago City Museum, Chicago
- 2009 Sol – An invocation Installation. Chelsea Art Museum, New York
- 2009 What will you be when you grow up? Photoinstallation.
- Vesterbro Kunst Festival
- 2008 Lucky 7. Wishing well exposed to 7 deadly sins. Installation. Copenhagen Dome. 31. October 2008
- 2008 Soulgate / The Spectator. Spatial and human Installation. Karsi Sanat Gallery. Istanbul. Spatial- and human installations.
- 2007 Death in the Dome. Spatial installation and works in The Copenhagen Dome
Other Art Projects
Cross-over Projects
- 2016 Poem. Orange TV. Warm-up poem for red Hot Chili Peppers. Stage screen Orange and Arena Stage. Roskilde Festival 16.
- 2015 Beings of the forest. Inter nordic live art collaboration between 6 visual artists and three writers. Little Finger /Malmö Stadsbibliotek.
- 2013 Commission. DI.G.T. Digital Gallery Trademark. untitled, poetic content for 10 year non-stop running multimedia electronic billboard in Copenhagen. Wonderland Art Space.
- 2013 Skumfusk. Experimental band. Typewriter and Spoken words.
- 2009 Spoken Copy. Spoken Word and Live Electronica.
- 2008 Little Pony. Satiric mockumentarian characterwork of Britney Spears Fans
- 2008 Poetry Generator. Situationistic literary interactive installation. Realized at Copenhagen Art Fair and on Roskilde Festival.
- 2008 / Jutlanderfree Denmark. Political installationart examining construction of stereotypes and east/west regional relations in Denmark. Running on fifth year on
- 2005 Free Happiness /Gratis Lykke. Real Time installation, Social happening and intergalactic emergency relief. Junge Hunde Festival. Entréscenen. Århus.
- 2005 Free Happiness/Gratis Lykke. Political Art. An artistic investigation of political space, running for office as the ‘L-list’ at the copenhagen elections.
- 2005 Fuck Plakatmafiaen /Fuck The Poster Mafia. Political installation art and anonymous poster-art. Included in the National Danish Poster Museum.
Copenhagen Dome
- 2006 Occidental Light. Poetry Suite. First Performance
- 2006 Election Night. Poetry Suite. First Performance
- 2005 That We Are. Poetry Suite. First Performance
- 2006 Founder. Performing network of danish/american Spokenword artists.
Triangle Project
- 2008 Artist-cooperation and visiting network of danish, tyrkish and american artists.
- Exhibited and performed in New York, Istanbul and Copenhagen
- Claus Ankersen has played an instrumental role in the development of Danish spokenword- performancepoetry and live-literature.
Danish Poetry Slam
- 2009 Judge and MC, National Danish Poetry Slam Championships, Studenterhuset Århus, 10. january.
- 2009 Organizer, curator and performer, Poetryslam Cph at VEGA, 2004-2009 Denmarks largest running scene for live-literature and performance poetry
- 2008 Host, Regional championships Copenhagen
- 2007 Co-Host, Organizer, Special Feature, Danish National Championships
- 2006 Host, Danish National Slam championships
- 2003 Co-founder, Poetry Slam Copenhagen
- 2003 Co-founder, Curator, organizer, Performing poet, Words on Wheels. 2001-3
- 2002 MC, Organizer, Kulcafeen, 2001-2
The Old Variety /Den Gamle Varieté
- 2005-7 Co-founder, performing poet. Cross-disciplinary performance variety artshows
Danish Stage Writers / FDSF
- 2003 Founder, Chairman. Spokenword and poerformance-poets Association formed as a political neccessity and comment on literary politics, aiming to recognize the form in its own right. Festival at Theatre Plan B in 2003
- 2006 Founder, Network of Danish and American Spokenword Artists.
Words on Wheels
- 2002 Co-Founder. Poetic Boyband of six, touring Denmark and breaking literary ground with live-literature of different types.
Lyrik på broen
- 2019 Curator. Live open air pop-up poetry readings at Broens Gadekøkken
Art Aid
- 2015 Curator. Danish poets. Art Aid Poetry Section. Odd Fellow Palæet.
Runoviikko Ry
- 2013-5 Curator. Danish Poetry
Pyramid Poetry
- 2007 Curator, performing poet. Two day poets festival. 20 poets.
Thorstedlund Højskole
Spokenword for Enghave Plads
- 2007 Founder, Curator, co-Organizer, Poet. 40+ different poets and writers. 2006-7
- 2006 Founder, performing poet, curator. Ongoing networking and performance project
Wicked Wednesday Extreme Spokenword Club
- 2006 Founder, Curator, House-poet. 18 sessions, 60 different poets and writers. Play Theatre. 2005-6
Words on Wheels
- 2003 Chief Curator, Ord På Hjul / Words on Wheels on PH-Cafeen, experimental mobile poetryslam scene, running two years, 40+ featured poets. 2002-3
- 2019: Kulturkontakt Nord. Mobility grant.
- 2018: Danida. The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Travel Grant
- 2017: Fra Gade til By – Production grant * Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange fund grant * Travel grant.
- 2016: CMI Arts Fellow, Chennai. India * Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange fund.
- 2015: Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange fund.
- 2014: Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange fund.
- 2013: The Fencepole Award for best installation of the year. For ‘ALTID’ * Vermont Studio Center, Artist Grant *
Copenhagen City Renewal, production grant * Byens Hegn/ Cool construction – Urban Lab Production Grant, Metrocityring, Copenhagen - 2012: House resident, Ventspils International Writers’ and Translators’ House, Latvia * Hald Hovedgaard, International Writers refuge
Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange funds - 2011: Danish Arts Council, Council of Literature * Writers Support Stipend, Can Serrat Residency, Spain
- The Author account, Danish Writers Union * Hald Hovedgaard, Writers refuge
- 2010: Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange funds * Arnawaz Vasudev Charities, Residency Cholamandal Artists Village * Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange funds. Danish Arts Council, Council of Literature
- 2009: Danish Arts Council, Sangam House Residency India. Danish Arts Council, Council of Literature
- Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange funds. Danish Arts Council * Danish Writers Center
- 2008: Danish Arts Council, Literary exchange funds * The City of Copenhagen, Funds for Arts and Culture
- 2007: Danish Arts Council, Performing Arts
- 2006: 2. Round. Danish Arts Council’s Cultural Exchange Project with New York * DaNY Arts.1. Round Danish Arts Council’s Cultural Exchange Project with New York, DaNY Arts
- 2005: The Author account, Danish Writers Association * Danish Arts Council, Literary Exchange Funds *
- Danish Arts Council, Cross-over Arts Funds * BG Bank, BG Banks litterary emergency funds. Carlsberg * Carlsbergs Idea Grant
- 2004: Danish Arts Council, Council of Literature * Danish Arts Council, Cross-over Arts Funds * The City of Copenhagen, Funds for Arts and Culture
- 2003: Danish Arts Council, Council of Literature * Danish Arts Council * Danish Writers Centre
- 2002: The City of Copenhagen, Funds for Arts and Culture
Performance Poetry
Claus Ankersen currently does around 30 liveshows a year, performing stand-up or sit-down spokenword poetry for all kinds of audiences.
Literature Festivals:
- 2019 Limericksfest, Limerick, Ireland
- 2019 Fourth Odisha Art and Literature Festival, Bhubaneshwar.
- 2017 Lytavri Festival, Chernihiv, Ukraine
- 2017 Danube Days, Galati, Romania
- 2017 Bucharest International Poetry Festival, Bucharest
- 2016 Third Annual IAAC Literary Festival. New York
- 2016 Lviv International Literature Festival, Ukraine
- 2016 Littera Baltika. Translator network seminar and festival. Turku. Helsinki.
- 2016 Underground Poetry Fest. Bruxelles. Belgium
- 2016 Ærø Dog days. Inaugural festival. Ærøskøbing. Ærø.
- 2016 Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (KGAF) 2016. Mumbai. India
- 2015 Runoviikko Ry. Turku, Helsinki. Finland
- 2015 London Literature Festival, Royal Festival Hall, book-launch and performance.
Intercity Flow. - 2015 The Intercity Flow International Poetry Project, Teesside, London 2014-15
- 2014 The 1st International Slam & Sound Festival, Craiova, Romania
- 2014 Littera Baltikum. Turku. Finland
- 2013 Runoviikko Ry. Poetryfestival in Turku
- 2013 Bjarma ja Beowulf. Finno-ugrian minifestival, Jüväskyla. Finland
- 2013 Crazy Tartu. Tartu. Estonia
- 2013 W/ORD. Spoken Word Festival. Helsinki Poetry Connection. Helsinki
- 2013 VIII Lviv International Literature Festival. Lviv. Ukraine
- 2013 Odense Spoken Word Festival
- 2013 5th Headread International literature Festival, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2012 7th International Runokuu Poetry Festival, Helsinki, Finland
- 2012 Headread, international Literature Festival, Tallinn, Estonia
- 2012 Lekhana Literature Festival, National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore, India
- 2011 Feel The Presence Festival, Ukraine
- 2011 VI Lviv International Literature Festival, Lviv, Ukraine
- 2011 Headread, International Literature Festival, Talinn, Estonia
- 2011 Ord Over Svendborg, Fynen, Denmark
- 2011 Vesterbro Kalder, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2011 Poesia Letra. Inter-collegiate Literary Festival, MCC, Chennai, India
- 2010 Poetry with Prakriti Festival, Chennai/Madras, India
- 2010 VI International SPOKE’n’WORD Festival, Warsaw, Poland
- 2010 Copenhagen International Literature Festival 2010
- 2010 Christianshavns Bogfestival
- 2009 Midsummer Solstice Celebrations, Scandinavian House, New York
- 2009 CphLitt 09. Copenhagen International Literature Festival 2009
- 2009 Pispalan Runotulet, Poetryfestival in Finland, May 7-11
- 2009 Pyramide Poesi
- 2008 8th internationales literaturfestival Berlin
- 2008 CphLitt 08. Copenhagen International Literature Festival 2008
- 2008 Pyramide Poesi
- 2007 Pyramide Poesi
- 2018 By forfra, Nordhavnsbassinet, København
- 2017 By Forfra, Kalveboderne ‘Valbyhavet’, København
- 2017 Ærø Dog Days, Ærøskøbing
- 2017 Faine Misto Festival, Ternopil, Ukraine
- 2016 Vesterbro Lokalstival, Festival Compere.
- 2015 Vesterbro Lokalstival, Festival Compere.
- 2015 Festival of Lights, opening act. Solar invocation. Copenhagen
- 2015 Istedgade inauguration. Main stage presenter. Copenhagen
- 2014 Vesterbro lokalstival
- 2014 ADF. Anti Democratic Festival. Opening act. Charlottenborg Art center. Copenhagen
- 2014 Berlin Soup. Copenhagen. Denmark
- 2013 Vesterbro lokalstival
- 2013 Mikrofestival, Helnæs
- 2013 Roskilde Festival, Triangle Project, Art City.
- 2013 Henrys Dream, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2012 Vesterbro Lokalstival 2012, Copenhagen. Denmark
- 2012 Roskilde Festival, ‘Cartoon Speak’, live with 3 cartoonists, Scene L. Forfatterskabet,
- 2012 Stop Op Festival. Opening act. Vesterbro, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2012 The 222lodge extern ‘The Inevitable’, Opening Act. Dordrecht, The Netherlands
- 2011 ACTFEST 2011, Transdisciplinary Arts Festival. Cakovic, Croatia
- 2011 Highfest, Ninth International Performing Arts Fesvtival, Yerevan, Armenia
- 2011 Vesterbro lokalstival
- 2010 Delhi International Arts Festival, New Delhi, India
- 2010 Roskilde Festival, C02 E Race Roskilde 2010
- 2009 Trailerpark Festival – Spoken Copy
- 2009 Zulu Comedy Festival – COMETRY
- 2009 Copenhagen Distortion
- 2008 Roskilde Festival, Tømmermændteltet, Viva la Renovacion
- 2007 Roskilde Festival, Spokenword Stage
- 2006 Roskilde Festival, Spokenword Stage
- 2006 Skanderborg Festival, Anni’s Blå Café / Blue Tent Stage
- 2005 Roskilde Festival, Spokenword Stage
- 2004 Roskilde Festival, Spokenword Stage
- 2003 Roskilde Festival, Spokenword Stage
- 2003 Midtfynsfestival, Spokenword Tent
Selected International venues:
Finland Tour 2012
- 11 performance readings in Turku, Tampere, Oulu and Helsinki with Finnish, Estonian, american and Swedish poets:
- Claus Ankersen, Leevi Lehto, Jaan “Luulur” Malin, Heli Slunga, Esa Hirvonen. In some performances and cities: Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen, Satu Haapala, Tuija Välipakka, Juha Kulmala, Veera Kivijärvi., Naomi Shihab Nye (USA), Joyelle McSweeney (USA), Johannes Göransson (SWE), Tomi Kontio, Markku Into, Henry Lehtonen, Miki Liukkonen, Katja Kettu etc.
- India Tour 2011
- Delhi International Arts Festival, New Delhi
- Instituto de Cervantes, New Delhi, India
- Poetry With Prakriti, India
- Kalakshetra Foundation, Chennai
- University of Madras, Chennai
- Loyola College, Chennai
- Amethyst, Chennai
- Spaces, Chennai
- The Cholamandal Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCCA), Chennai
- Asian College of Journalism, Chennai
- Sangam House Artslab, Nrityagram Dance Village, Bangalore
- Womens Christian College, WCC, Chennai
- Madras University, Visiting Professor
- Madras Christian College, MCC, Chennai
- Anna Adarsh College, Chennai
- Uphook Press Tour 2010
- Art House Gallery and Cultural Center, Berkeley
- The Beat Museum, San Francisco
- St. Johns Booksellers, Portland
- DIVA, Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts, Eugene
- Vitrola Coffee and Art, Seattle
- Hydrogen Jukebox, Cornelia Street Café, New York
- Open Air Performance, Washington Heights
- Chennai, India 2010
- Nine Millimeter. Asian College of Journalism
- New York Tour 2009
- Son of a Pony. Cornelia Street Café
- Midsummer Solstice Celebration. Chelsea Museum of Art
- Danish Seamens Church
- Nordic Midsummer Celebrations. Scandinavia House
- Triangle Project # 6. The Gershwin Hotel
- Bowery Poetry Club